Modern lives seem littered with expiration dates. Packaging tells us when our food will go bad; when we can expect appliances to cease functioning; when contracts for the internet finish! But as annoying as these small expiration dates are, they fade to nothing compared to the larger events: when a species goes extinct; when a body of water evaporates, or dies because the PH balance alters; when giant icebergs break apart and glaciers melt forever, threatening the ecosystem of this planet. Nancy Kilpatrick has gathered together twenty-five original stories in this original anthology. Review (Goodreads) The Long Wait by R. B. Payne. The story of a woman slowly wasting away in a hospital bed, trapped in her own useless body, but her mind completely lucid was, quite possibly one of the scariest situations I can envision. And the writing style completely backed up the premise. Sad and creepy. -- Tobin Elliott, also featured in Expiration Date |